Archived Papers for Journal
Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») >>
Vol.22, No.51
Publisher: State Institution Higher Educational «University of Educational Management»
Publishing Date: 2022-10-26
- Pedagogical conditions for the formation of patriotic awareness of students of basic secondary education in the process of studying social sciencesAuthors: Andriy Borovyk; Oksana Dubinina
- Educational electronic resources when working in distance format: features of implementationAuthors: Olena Buriak
- Soft skills and hard skills of the head of a general secondary education institution in the context of the competency approach in the post-graduate education of managersAuthors: Nadiia Liubchenko
- Formation of behavioral culture of pre-school children in interactive phased physical culture exercises organized with sports-oriented didactic gamesAuthors: Kifayat Mammadova Rashid
- Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offendersAuthors: Vasyl Ollo
- The importance of environmental protection and the formation of ecological thinking among studentsAuthors: Sabina Sadigova Oktay
- The technology of using the scientometric database Scopus for evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical researchAuthors: Oleg Spirin; Tetiana Vakaliuk; Iryna Mintii; Svitlana Ivanova; Oleksandr Shimon
- Principles of pedagogical partnership in action – the key to constructive cooperation teacher-students-parentsAuthors: Iryna Steshyts
- Legislative requirements regarding the organization of state-civil management of institutions of general secondary education on the basis partnership interactionAuthors: Boris Chyzhevskyi
- Iluzja wolności w kłamstwie – wychowanie do poszanowania prawdy i odpowiedzialności za słowoAuthors: Ewelina Szlachta