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- Automated testing
Authors: Grettzel Noelia Gómez Ugarte
- Communication between users in a IPV4 IPV6 network
Authors: Marlon David González Ramírez Guadalupe Cristina Baldaras Cortez
- Center for early diagnosis of cancer in the city of SUCRE
Authors: Juan Pablo Calvo Zarate
- ICTS and its impact on student life and professional people: scenarios of training and working life
Authors: Víctor Hugo Aranibar
- History of spanish cuisine, the parlor of latest latin american cuisine (third century BC to the eigtheenth century AD)
Authors: Alberto Zegarra Dorado Rolando Salamanca Castaños Marcelo Fernández Saracho
- Dosage of concrete epoxy polymer binders
Authors: Suely Mollinedo Morales Gonzalo Flores Marquina
- Registration and nursing system for patients in EHEALTH using RFID/NFC technology
Authors: Raúl Crespo E. Garete S. Villalba
- Students active participation in university productive research projects
Authors: Osear A. Córdova Flores
- Water intake for consumptive purposes filter through a gallery in the community of MOSOJ LLAJTA- municipality of YOTALA
Authors: Tania Camacho Cordel
- Editorial Note
Authors: Keny Vidangos Orellana