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Results of testing of organizational-psychological support for professional tolerance formation in heads of educational organizations

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.11, No. 40)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 28-47

Keywords : professional tolerance; formation of professional tolerance; system of organizational and psychological support; heads of educational organizations;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article analyzes the results of testing of organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional tolerance among heads of educational organizations. The author discusses different approaches to interpreting the concept of «continuous education» and the role of continuing education of heads of educational organizations in their comprehensive personal development (self-development), including the development of their biological, social and spiritual potentials. The author analyzes the concepts of «support», «psychological support», and «social and psychological suppor». It has been determined that organizational and psychological support is a type of psychological support. It is emphasized that one of the directions of organizational and psychological support is organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional tolerance among the heads of educational organizations.The article also defines the concept of «organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional tolerance in the heads of educational organizations» as well as describes the support's aims and informational, guiding and developing functions. The system of organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional tolerance in the heads of educational organizations has been shown to consist of the target (purpose, task of support), organizational (principles, conditions, stages), content (directions, forms, levels), and effective (criteria of support effectiveness, expected results) components and include two sub-stages: 1) the undergraduate stage (vocational training (obtaining higher education); 2) the postgraduate stage (postgraduate education (advanced training) and direct professional activity). The author outlines the organizational-educational and advisory directions of organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional tolerance among heads of educational organizations at the undergraduate and postgraduate stages.The results of testing of the organizational and psychological support for the formation of professional tolerance among heads of educational organizations have shown its effectiveness during heads' university (higher education) and postgraduate training (advanced training).

Last modified: 2020-06-12 16:53:51