The Potential of Dental Nano-Robots in Oral Healthcare
Journal: International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science (Vol.4, No. 4)Publication Date: 2020-08-15
Authors : Ji-Won Yoon;
Page : 100-104
Keywords : Pathogenic Microbiome. Good Microbiome. Nanorobot. Symbiosis; Dysbiosis.;
- The Potential of Dental Nano-Robots in Oral Healthcare
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Man inevitably maintains symbiosis with bacteria. As long as good bacteria control pathogenic bacteria, the body remains healthy. When pathogenic bacteria dominate the oral cavity, dental diseases occur. It was difficult to determine the number of pathogenic bacteria in real time. When periodontitis occurs, only Indirectly, It may be guessed that the number of pathogenic bacteria increased at that time. However, with the application of nanotechnology, the number of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity can be monitored in real time. A major advantage of nanorobots could help keep teeth healthy by controlling the member of pathogenic bacteria
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Last modified: 2020-06-14 20:53:07