الأدب العربي في حِقبة ما بعد الكلاسيكيّة : المَعالم وال م قدّمات / Arab Literature in the Post-Classical Period: Parameters and Preliminaries
Journal: In Translation / في الترجمة (Vol.7, No. 1)Publication Date: 2020-12-28
Authors : Adba Khaled ALMSELMANI; Haitehm SARHEN;
Page : 26-51
Keywords : Arabic Literature; Classical literature; Post-Classical; 19th Century; Acculturation; Modern Literature;
- الأدب العربي في حِقبة ما بعد الكلاسيكيّة : المَعالم وال م قدّمات / Arab Literature in the Post-Classical Period: Parameters and Preliminaries
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This essay is a translation of Roger Allen's introduction to the volume Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period, which was published by Cambridge University Press as part of its “History of Arabic Literature.” The volume, which was edited by Allen himself along with Donald Sidney Richards, includes contributions by prominent scholars of the field. Allen's introduction provides key concepts, visions, and reflections about the literary, political, and intellectual orientations and complications of one certain period of Arabic literature. Entitled, “The Post-Classical Period: Parameters and Preliminaries,” the introduction focuses on the production of Arabic literature from the Fall of Baghdad to the Mongol in 1258 until Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in Egypt in 1798-1801, which arguably ushered in the era of modern Arabic literature.
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Last modified: 2021-01-02 17:14:25