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Peculiarities of informatics teacher training in Volyn national university names Lesya Ukrainka women in the conditions of creation and development of New ukrainian school

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.19, No. 48)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ;

Page : 125-138

Keywords : education; educational; program; teacher; informatics; New Ukrainian school;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In the article changes are reasonable in the educationally-professional program Secondary education: Computer Science in the Volyn national university of the name Lesia Ukrainian according to the requirements of the real time and Conception of new Ukrainian school (NUS). The analysis of literary sources is done in relation to the investigated problem, that showed that the problem of preparation of teachers of informatics in the conditions of New Ukrainian school is investigational not enough. A key moment at making alteration to the educational program was taking into account ten key competencies of New Ukrainian school, recommendations of stakeholders and graduating students and bread-winners of this educationally-professional program. Accordance of maintenance of the educationally-professional program is reasonable to the subject domain of speciality 014 Secondary education. In accordance with recommendations of project group the selection of components of the educational program is carried out Middle. An informatics is according to the legal base of Ukraine and requirements of corresponding international standards and practices in relation to realization of professional activity, what will assist forming of practical abilities and skills of bread-winners of education. At development of the educational program Secondary education: Computer Science to the bread-winners of higher education the provided possibility of forming of individual educational trajectory and realization of them practical preparation that allows to get to the competence, necessary for further professional activity. The feature of the educational program, that consists in the following of qualifying preparation of teachers of informatics of senior and profile school taking into account passing to New Ukrainian school, maintenance of the State standard of secondary education, of aims of the educational program, that answer a mission and strategy of the Volyn national university of the name of Lesia Ukrainian, is shown. During adaptation of educational and professional program Secondary education: Computer Science to conception of New Ukrainian school, by the group of providing materials that ground changes after new conception were worked out, explain the aim of new school and ground the formula of new school.

Last modified: 2022-09-15 15:06:29