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Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 169-177

Keywords : Students; Community; Entrepreneurship; Competence; Coworking; Development; Motivation;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Introduction. One of the key competencies outlined in the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education is entrepreneurship and financial literacy. By analyzing scientific, educational, and methodological literature as well as studying normative and legal documents, it can be concluded that the promotion of entrepreneurship among students of general secondary education has predominantly remained theoretical. In contrast, the practical implementation of entrepreneurship among education students is seen as very limited. In addition, there is a lack of practical recommendations for teachers on the formation of entrepreneurship. In this regard, the formation of entrepreneurship among students of general secondary education is of great interest in technology lessons and in school coworking spaces.Purpose.The purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of entrepreneurship formation among students of general secondary education in modern school coworking spaces.Methods.Theoretical analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization of scientific ideas presented in national and foreign sources, analysis of practical experience of implementing school coworking spaces.Results.The article deals with the problem of formation of entrepreneurship in students of general secondaryeducation in modern school coworking spaces. The essence of the definition of entrepreneurship is analyzed. Different types of school coworking spaces are characterized, the steps that must be taken to create a school coworking space are defined. The experience of organizing sewing, culinary, carpentry, innovative and garden school coworking spaces was analyzed. Recommendations are given on the selection of premises and equipment for coworking spaces. The influence of coworking spaces on the educational process and the interest of students and the community in creating coworking spaces as centers for the development of creativity and entrepreneurship of students are analyzed. Types of products manufactured in coworking spaces and methods of their implementation are considered. It is noted that the school coworking space is an informal center for the involvement of students in the life of the community.Conclusion.Thus, coworking spaces are the most effective educational and social platforms for the development of children, which unite people in the community, provide students with knowledge, skills and experience. Coworking is a piece of the puzzle called the community, which develops students, reveals their capabilities, talents, entrepreneurial potential, and affects the life of the community. Pupils who actively worked in a coworking space can realize themselves in the future, become worthy representatives of the community.

Last modified: 2024-10-21 16:49:36