Food additives frequency in Bolivian processed meat products sold in Cochabamba city Bolivia
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.17, No. Spec)Publication Date: 2021-04-23
Authors : Ana Cecilia Alarcón Gómez Tania Araujo-Burgos;
Page : 28-37
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
Food additives are substances added to some foods for technological purposes. Their use is strictly regulated; therefore, it is mandatory to declarethemon food labels. The objectiveof this studywas to identifythe frequency of food additives in processed meat productsproduced in Bolivia and commercializedin Cochabamba,during2020.For this purpose, a label readingwas carried outon sold processed foods in markets and supermarkets of the city. Thesample size was 134 foods.Frequency analyzes were carried out tothepresence ofadditives, functional groups,and type of food.Preliminary results showed 37 additives belonging to six functional groups.
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Last modified: 2025-02-25 00:52:19