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Convergent concept of a competence as substantiation of the wholeness of existence and multi‐dimensional nature of a human being in the health preserving activity of a physical education teacher

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.9, No. 38)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 154-206

Keywords : convergent competence concept; health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher; post-graduate education; methodology; anthropologization; pedagogics of health; Europeancentrism; democracy; knowledge transfer.;

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The article formulates the convergent concept of a competence on the basis of application of system of anthropological, cultural, civilizational, systemic, holistic approaches. Within the framework of this concept, a competence is presented as procedural phenomenon, anthropological and sociocultural in its nature, which is one of the factors of converging “anthropo-techno-info-socio-management-ecomonic reality” of the modern world, and which plays a role of a professional and life factor of survival, development, self-actualization, creativity and existence for a person and implements the functions of consolidation, integration, communication, tolerance for the society thus ensuring the sustainable existence of a society in general and being an anthropological condition of sustainable development in particular. On the basis of understandings about the contextual nature of culture, the article presents the idea of existence of a competence phenomenon in two key forms – actual and contextual. The study forms understandings about the convergent and integrative meta-functions of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher, within the framework of which other functions are united into a system. The author develops the concepts of compensatory-technical roots of competence, health preserving competence matrix and competence oriented quantification and transformation of ontology of a person. While studying the stated problematics from geopolitical point of view, a competence is determined as a convergent (consolidating and integrating) phenomenon and a significant component of the modern “Sea Power”, the semantic frames of which integratively and explicitly disclose the economic and technical might, social stability, material welfare, democracy, innovative nature of the Western civilization. While applying the geopolitical approach and the ideas of transitology, democracy consolidation and convergence, the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher is studied as a phenomenon, which facilitates the development of democracy, freedom, tolerance, innovations, European integration and sustainable development. The article analyses the borders of the competence approach and suggests their broadening by means of anthropologisation, axiologization, humanization. On the basis of anthropologization ideas and the convergent competence concept, the author develops an anthropological model of the health preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate education.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 16:36:26