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Key aspects of professional assistance provided by inclusive-resource centers: realities and prospects

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 140-153

Keywords : survey; professional assistance; inclusive resource center (IRC); parents; children with special education needs;

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The article deals with the key directions of providing professional assistance to parents of children with special education needs by specialists of inclusive resource centers. During the research it was determined that the effectiveness of the organization of the provision of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developed services depends on the interaction of an inclusive resource center and a team of psychological and pedagogical support for the child. It was found that psychological and pedagogical support is a complex system of measures to organize the education process and development of the child, provided for by the individual development program. The article formulates the main tasks of inclusive resource centers and key aspects of providing professional assistance to parents of children with special education needs. The purpose of the research is to identify key aspects and areas of professional assistance to parents of children with special education needs by specialists of the inclusive resource center. In order to determine the level of provision of education services in the inclusive resource center, the research developed and tested a questionnaire for parents of children with special education needs in the quality provision of services by specialists of the inclusive resource center. On the basis of the author's research, the realities and prospects of development and improvement of the system of providing professional assistance to parents of children with special education needs have been analyzed. The questionnaire developed by the author helped to identify key problems and shortcomings in the provision of such assistance by specialists. The results of the research showed the main psychological and pedagogical conditions of providing professional assistance to parents, and also contribute to the development of effective experimental methods of diagnosis of existing mechanisms of professional assistance in inclusivethe resource centre which can also be used by specialists of special education institutions. The author notes that the results of the research may be useful in the training and retraining of teachers, as well as in the conduct of new theoretical and experimental research

Last modified: 2023-03-06 21:04:28