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Views of "Fyuuzat" members on humanism

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.23, No. 52)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 167-182

Keywords : "Fyuuzatists"; Ali Bey Huseynzade; ideas of humanism; pedagogical thought; the beginning of the 20th century; cultural-pedagogical environment;

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"Fyuuzat" magazine (1906–1907) and its employees, led by A. Huseynzadeh, played an important role in the development of progressive socio-cultural and pedagogical thought in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th century. They fought to educate citizens with modern thinking, morality, science and knowledge. Therefore, they consistently propagated various educational and progressive ideas. One of the important ideological and educational lines they promoted was humanism education. The members of "Fyuuzat" understood and also propagated the idea that it is impossible to achieve national development and happiness without creating a humanistic society. In order to mobilize the people to the new, modern society, it is necessary to educate them in a humanistic spirit. They actively fought in this direction. The people of Azerbaijan, as one of the ancient and civilized nations of the world, have had humanitarian feelings since ancient times. The cultural and spiritual wealth, literary examples, and traditions that it created clearly prove this. In connection with the new social-political, legal, literary-cultural, economic and educational-pedagogical conditions that arose in Azerbaijan in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a serious change in the content of the ideas of humanism here, or rather, it acquired a new content and essence. enriched, adapted to the requirements of the time, manifested itself in more advanced and modern shades. Therefore, those ideas, which were laid at that time, are still relevant today, gradually improving and enriching. The second half of the 19th century – the beginning of the 20th century is characterized as an extremely significant, bright, productive and rapid development period in the life and historical destiny of the Azerbaijani people. In this period, characterized as the period of national renaissance, awakening and development in a broad and comprehensive sense is taking place in the life of our people. This development covers various fields, from the social, political, economic, cultural-educational and pedagogical fields to intellectual-spiritual renaissance, thought and awakening. The foundation of our path to independence, statehood, independence and freedom was laid in that period. The revival and rise that has taken place leads to the creation of a democratic state like the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Today's Republic of Azerbaijan is the successor of that state. We must study and learn the incentives, values and conditions that led to the creation of this independent state and convey it to the next generation. The ideas of humanism with a new content, which took shape and matured at that time, are also among the stimuli, values, and conditions that we have mentioned. In this sense, the current topic is relevant. Its transformation into a research object is necessary to understand the dynamics and progress of our path to independence. These issues mentioned in the article have found their scientific interpretation. In the article, we have tried to focus on the effectiveness and positive results of promoting these ideas

Last modified: 2023-03-06 21:08:08