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  1. Food additives frequency in Bolivian processed meat products sold in Cochabamba city Bolivia

    Authors: Ana Cecilia Alarcón Gómez Tania Araujo-Burgos

  2. Food Additives Frequency in processed baby products in Cochabamba, Bolivia

    Authors: Nelcy Aguilar Sasari Milenka Alessandra Fernández Ledezma Tania Araujo-Burgos

  3. Update of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-051-SCFI / SSA1 in the Food and Beverage Industry

    Authors: Ismari Jecabsel Chavez Reynoso Regina Ochoa Estrada Linette Valenzuela Paredes Laura Elizabeth Gayosso García Sancho Iván de Jesús Tolano Villaverde

  4. Editorial Note

    Authors: Rosaluz Valda Romero

  5. Clusters, superspreading and percolation in the COVID-19 pandemic

    Authors: Mélanie Maldonado

  6. Prefeasibility project for a mozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation in the city of Cochabamba

    Authors: Eliana Lesly Micordia Romero Jorge Eduardo Buitrago Navarro

  7. Power and control stage design for an experimental electric vehicle

    Authors: Brenda Nicole Arnez Mercado Edson Gaston Montaño Bautista

  8. Comparative study of the kinetic reformation of methane with steam process for obtaining synthesis gas and production of methanol for the based on 5 petrochemical technologies

    Authors: Valeria Elizabeth Sandoval Cossío Martha Liliana Siles Camacho

  9. Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Measurement of the typicalcurve of a photovoltaic module with an I-V curve tracer at constant temperature and constant solar irradiation based on the IEC 60904-1:2020standard guide

    Authors: Juan Alfredo Torrico Bravo María Gullón Urbano

  10. Evaluation of the earthquake-resistant performance of a building usingPushoverNonlinear Static Analysis: Case study

    Authors: Edwin Michael Flores Vega