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- Food additives frequency in Bolivian processed meat products sold in Cochabamba city Bolivia
Authors: Ana Cecilia Alarcón Gómez Tania Araujo-Burgos
- Food Additives Frequency in processed baby products in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Authors: Nelcy Aguilar Sasari Milenka Alessandra Fernández Ledezma Tania Araujo-Burgos
- Update of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-051-SCFI / SSA1 in the Food and Beverage Industry
Authors: Ismari Jecabsel Chavez Reynoso Regina Ochoa Estrada Linette Valenzuela Paredes Laura Elizabeth Gayosso García Sancho Iván de Jesús Tolano Villaverde
- Editorial Note
Authors: Rosaluz Valda Romero
- Clusters, superspreading and percolation in the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Mélanie Maldonado
- Prefeasibility project for a mozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation in the city of Cochabamba
Authors: Eliana Lesly Micordia Romero Jorge Eduardo Buitrago Navarro
- Power and control stage design for an experimental electric vehicle
Authors: Brenda Nicole Arnez Mercado Edson Gaston Montaño Bautista
- Comparative study of the kinetic reformation of methane with steam process for obtaining synthesis gas and production of methanol for the based on 5 petrochemical technologies
Authors: Valeria Elizabeth Sandoval Cossío Martha Liliana Siles Camacho
- Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Measurement of the typicalcurve of a photovoltaic module with an I-V curve tracer at constant temperature and constant solar irradiation based on the IEC 60904-1:2020standard guide
Authors: Juan Alfredo Torrico Bravo María Gullón Urbano
- Evaluation of the earthquake-resistant performance of a building usingPushoverNonlinear Static Analysis: Case study
Authors: Edwin Michael Flores Vega