Archived Papers for Journal
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald >>
Vol.9, No.1
Publisher: Ryazan State Medical University
Publishing Date: 2008-02-28
- Possibilities of combine pharmacological and surgical correction of extremity's chronic ischemiaAuthors: Artyushkova E.B.; Pashkov D.V.; Myasnikov A.D.; Sukovatych B.S.; Pokrovskiy M.V.; Faitelson A.V.; Pokrovskaya T.G.
- Consent to the treatment in a clinical setting for substance addictions: the old problem and the new approachAuthors: Agibalova T.V.; Buzik O.J.; Goloshiapov I.V.; Richkova O.V.
- Influencing local physiotherapy effects on fractal neurodynamicAuthors: Byalovskiy Yu.Yu.; Bulateckiy S.V.
- Neurophysiologic characteristics of the patients following surgical treatment for lumber osteochondrosisAuthors: Dombovsky D.O.; Starikov A.S.
- Hypocapnikal defects characteristic of juniour course students of higher medical educational institutionsAuthors: Kokorinova T.A.; Rakita D.R.; Proshlyakov V.D.
- Some Criteria of Adolescents` Division into Risk Groups with Developing Disturbances of the Cardiac RhythmAuthors: Ashchyeulova A.V.
- Clinical effectiveness of probiotics and hepatoprotectors in management of viral hepatitis A and BAuthors: Pyatova L.G.
- MRI-diagnostics early stage aseptic necrosis of the heads of the thighboneAuthors: Sautina O.P.; Khasov P.D.
- Spreading, peculiarities in diagnostic and treatment of patients with chronic cardiac insufficiencyAuthors: Smirnova E.A.
- Socio-economic and psychosocial characteristics of old age working doctorsAuthors: Sychov M.A.
- The result of vetch grown with udp iron powder on morpho-biochemical blood figuresAuthors: Churilov G.I.; Ampleyeva L.E.; Nazarova A.A.; Polishuk S.D.
- System inflammatory response in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of lower extremities arteries from the point of intimal hyperplasia developmentAuthors: Shvalb P.G.; Kalinin R.E.; Nikiforov A.A.
- Use of low intensity laser therapy in complex treatment of acute pancreatitisAuthors: Ogoreltsev А.Y.
- Special features and dynamics of clinico-functional state of patients with ischemic heart disease at the rehabilitation periodAuthors: Sokolov A.V.; Paley E.S.
- The clinical evaluation of the filling material Charisma PPFAuthors: Elgina A.N.; Kouriakina N.V.
- The comparative analysis of the influence of the disinfectant solution on the samples of the samples of the alginate impressions ?Orthoprint?, ?Alligat?, ?Ypeen?Authors: Guskov A.V.; Uletenko A.I.; Kourjakina N.V.
- The comparative analysis of the influence of the disinfectant solution on the samples of the samples of the alginate impressions ?Orthoprint?, ?Alligat?, ?Ypeen?Authors: Guskov A.V.; Uletenko A.I.; Kourjakina N.V.
- The pecoaliarities of gestational process and delivery case of critical group primiparaAuthors: Kovalenko; Chikin V.G.; Solomatina L.M.
- On a decision for the metod of treatment of kidney cystsAuthors: Aristarhov V.G.; Cherenkov A.A.; Lobanov D.V.
- Monitoring and estimation indicators in the sphere of public health activityAuthors: Korotckova A.V.; Novozhilova A.V.; Gazhejeva A.V.; Sochnikov S.S.; Znobina T.I.; Chestnov O.P.; Odintsova V.V.
- The application of ?Curiosin? for treatment external otitisAuthors: Karasoyva T.I.; Panin V.I.
- Сondition of the collagen's basic types in the most prevalence rheumatic diseases and contemporary strategy of its diagnosticsAuthors: Korochina I.E.; Bagirova G.G.
- Formulary system: cause to discussionAuthors: Yakusheva E.N.
- The functional condition of the lung cancer patients during radiation therapyAuthors: Krasnitskaya T.A.; Khazov P.D.; Kulikov E.P.