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Vol.95, No.2
Publisher: University of Medical Sciences Guantánamo
Publishing Date: 2016-03-01
- Training for primary caregivers of older and dependent adults from Popular EducationAuthors: Ruby Esther Maynard Bermúdez Larisa Barthley Debrok Humberto Hodelín Carballo Diarislay Santiago Paz Gregoria Michel Brooks
- General behavior of elderly patients undergoing emergency surgery under regional and general anesthesiaAuthors: Alicia Nieves Andino Roberto Rodríguez Caraballo Kenya Knight Jones Grisel Gago Benítez Angel Francisco Ganfong Elías
- Medical records. Most common mistakes made by third-year students of MedicineAuthors: María Agustina Favier Torres Lissette Cristina Dorsant Rodríguez Caridad Franklin Santel Juana Garbey Calzado Delia Sotomayor Oliva
- Model for managing interdisciplinary collective culture in the medical careerAuthors: Alfredo Pardo Fernández Yanely Barrientos Leliebre Abel Bravo Díaz José Suárez Rodríguez
- Level of knowledge acquired by students in Natural and Traditional MedicineAuthors: Odalys Charroó Portilla Anselma Betancourt Pulsán Maritza Fernández Ortega Marlene Torres Quiala Eligio Martínez Núñez
- Educational intervention in doctors and Microbiology graduates about improving microbiological diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalisAuthors: Katiuska Pascual Mengana Lourdes Cristina Falcón Torres Daniel Salazar Rodríguez Virgen Horrutiner Ramos
- Early rehabilitation of adults’s acute myocardial infarction in ICUAuthors: Reudis Durán Rodríguez Gabriela Arce García Mileidis Columbié Toirac Fidelina Díaz Savón
- Indent antihypertensive therapyAuthors: Yorvis López Santana Yamiselis Cintra Hernández Aymara Laugart Wilson Francisca María Wilson Chibás
- Learning strategy in discipline Social Studies of Science and Technology for health professionalsAuthors: Danay Ramos Duharte Fidel Robinson Jay Yanely Barrientos Leliebre Maivel García Gonzales Josefa Ceballos Sánchez
- Methodology for evaluating competence in drug development taking into account labor scenariosAuthors: Fermin Albear Caró Dayamy Hernández Creagh Zoraida Albear Caró Eleidis Pérez García Arelis Carbonell Noblet
- Intussusception associated with pinworm. Case reportAuthors: Josefa Jiménez Hernández Rosa Nelly Velázquez
- Clinical diagnosis of premalignant lesions of the cervix with acetic acid visual inspection at 5%Authors: Lidia Esther Lorie Sierra
- Evolution and transformation of the concept of information literacy according to criteria different of authorsAuthors: Yunia Castillo Pérez
- Acute respiratory infections: brief tour that justifies their behaviorAuthors: Mayra Margarita López Milián Mairileyda Méndez López Leyda Méndez López Agna Nicot Garaguey