Archived Papers for Journal
LaborHistórico >>
Vol.1, No.2
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Publishing Date: 2015-12-04
- Loving cards of 1930: an unknown couple of Rio de JaneiroAuthors: Érica Nascimento Silva
- Fragments of love: intertexts in the 30’s working class love lettersAuthors: Emilio Gozze Pagotto
- Variation of unstressed vowels in lettersfrom anon illustrious coupleof the 1930sAuthors: Fabiane de Mello Vianna da Rocha
- The level of literacy of a carioca couple: an analysis of spellingAuthors: Karilene da Silva Xavier
- Topics, Subjects and Grammatical Change: from Classical to Modern European PortugueseAuthors: Silvia Regina de Oliveira Cavalcante; Charlotte Galves; Maria Clara Paixão de Sousa
- V2 order in Old Portuguese: revisiting the issue of periodizationAuthors: Carolina Salgado Lacerda Medeiros
- Verbal agreement in Iberian-RomanceAuthors: Xavier Frias Conde
- The XIX century and its identity crisis: BP or EP? A question of grammars in competitionAuthors: Elaine Alves Santos Melo
- Diachronic study of pronoun placement in verbal complexes in BP and EP writing (XIX and XX centuries)Authors: Carla da Silva Nunes
- How polite is você (‘you’)? The pronoun of address você in European PortugueseAuthors: Ana Rita Bruno Guilherme; Víctor Lara Bermejo
- Diachronic aspects in suffixal studiesAuthors: Érica Santos Soares de Freitas
- Topics of history of Portuguese from the perspective of grammaticalizationAuthors: Célia Regina dos Santos Lopes