Archived Papers for Journal
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald >>
Vol.11, No.1
Publisher: Ryazan State Medical University
Publishing Date: 2010-02-28
- Full intestinal metaplasia gastric mucosa as precancerous conditions: problems pathomorphological diagnosisAuthors: Vernigorodsky S.V.
- The peculiarities of penis elastic fiber in patients with erectile dysfunction and peyronie's diseaseAuthors: Klimachev V.V.; Neimark A.I.; Gervald V.J.; Bobrov I.P.; Avdalyan A.M.; Myadelets M.N.; Muzalevskaya N.I.; Gervald I.V.; Aliev R.T.; Kazymov M.A.
- Structural characteristics of musculus sphincter ani externus dissected from people of different agesAuthors: Kartashkin V.A.; Sapin; Shestakov A.M.
- Morphological changes of the gut as the result of acute hemorrhageAuthors: Bushurov S.E.
- Extracellular matrix, angiogenesis and cellular microenvironment at dishormonal hyperplasia, fibroadenoma and breast cancer (Light and electron microscopic study)Authors: Mniкhovich M.V.; Ternov M.M.
- Study nature nerve fibers causes of increased abbreviations duodenal during stimulation of the sympathetic nerveAuthors: Sveshnikov D.S.; Myasnikov V.M. Smirnov I.L.; Kucuk A.V.; Trofimova Y.E.; Trubetskaya M.A.; Smirnov I.L.
- Effect of prolonged alcohol consumption in a free elections in the level of sex hormonesAuthors: Mkhitarov V.A.
- Strengthening the LIPID PEROXIDATION AND SERUM ALBUMIN compensatory reactions in patients in the recovery period STROKEAuthors: Uzbekov M.G.; Alferova V.V.; Misionzhnik E. Yu.; Lukyanyuk E.V.; Hecht A.B.; Shklovskii V.A.
- State of lipid metabolism for the boy, living in the region iodine deficiencyAuthors: Shevchuk V.
- Effects of statines on lysosomal membranes permeability in alloxan diabetesAuthors: Polupanov A.S.; Yakusheva E.N.
- Comparative efficacy of drugs of different pharmacotherapeutic groups in experimental toxic hepatitisAuthors: Taouk A.N.; Fiodorov V.N.; Kunitsa Z.A.; Smirnov N.A.; Kotshneva N.V.
- Harmonization analysis of hospital formulary and essential drug lists of federative levelAuthors: Yakusheva E.N.
- Ways of perfection of protection of reproductive health of students of higher educational institutionsAuthors: Egorova E.I.
- Practical experience of development and use of philosophy of the control system by the advisory-diagnostic centerAuthors: Konovalov O.E.; Breusov R.A.
- Major trends reproduction Chuvash RepublicAuthors: Yakovlev T.V.; Kuzmin V.N.
- Medical and demographic analysis of reproductive health plans of urban familiesAuthors: Medvedeva O.V.
- To the question on efficiency of rendering assistance to pregnant women, lying-in women, women in childbirth and newborns in the Penza regionAuthors: Mysyakov V.B.; Konovalov O.E.
- Study of the cost of the time nursing staff offices highly qualified medical aidAuthors: Fomina A.V.; Mezenov N.I.; Kicha D.I.; Bielawski A.R.
- Sanitarian rating of medical x-ray apparatus used in helth care institutions of the ryazan regionAuthors: Cherednikova A.A.; Ivanov S.I.
- Oxidizing modification of albumens in plasma of blood of patients by diabetes mellitus of type 2 iin dependence on degree of indemnification of carbohydrate exchange and duration of diabetes mellitus of type 2Authors: Zanozina O.V.; Scherbatuc T.G.; Borovkov N.N.
- Investigation of some aspect of psychic status in patients with colorectal cancerAuthors: Semionkin E.I.; Yakovleva N.V.; Trushin S.N.
- Influence of Individual Psychological Peculiarities in Successful Language MasteringAuthors: Khokhlova L.A.; Deryagina L.E.
- Influence of the psychoemotional stress on the heart rhythm regulation of the female studentsAuthors: Devaev N.P.; Suvorov V.V.
- Complex treatment of venous trophic ulcers and the new concept of pathogenesisAuthors: Shvalb P.G.; Shvalb A.P.; Griaznov S.V.
- State uveal blood flow in ischemic diseases persons with eye in combination with occlusive-stenotic lesions of internal carotid arteriesAuthors: Lapshova Е.V.
- The study of element content, free and bound sugars in cucubalus baccifer and myosoton aquaticum herbAuthors: Darmogray S.V.; Fursa N.S.
- The cancer of bartholin's gland with metastasis in the brainAuthors: Tsygankova L.V.; Ryazantsev E.L.; Biryukov A.N.