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Vol.96, No.6
Publisher: University of Medical Sciences Guantánamo
Publishing Date: 2017-11-01
- Characterization of centenarian elders with functional dependenceAuthors: Jeysi Soto Martínez Niursy Bravo Hernández Nilvia Pérez Matos Isabel María Richardson Monier
- Effectiveness of auriculopuncture in the control of essential hypertensionAuthors: Idermis Pardo Pardo Leinier Chibás Pardo Orlando Sanamé Columbié
- Factors associated with urinary tract lithiasis at the "Lucía Íñiguez Landín" Surgical Clinical Hospital, Holguín provinceAuthors: Walter Rafael Matos Rubio Sandra Luz Carballo Quevedo Francisca María Wilson Chibás Betsy Martínez Carballo
- Incidence of cervical cancer in the University Polyclinic "Omar Ranedo Pubillones" of GuantanamoAuthors: Tatiana de la Caridad Gómez LLoga Niursy Bravo Hernández Miladys Noa Garbey
- The repetition: a challenge for medical education guantanameraAuthors: Liany del Rosario Romero Navarro Eleidis Pérez García Carina Ramos Rodríguez Eladis Díaz Martínez Mariuska Martínez Enamorado
- Mortality due to bronchopneumonia in the older adult of General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto"Authors: Tatiana Delgado Ros Yaima Lee Garcés Idalexi Guerrero Silva
- Malaria, behavior in the Emergency Bank of the Libolo Municipal Hospital, Kwansa Sul, AngolaAuthors: María Agustina Favier Torres Mercedes Samón Leyva Álvaro Hemenegildo Manuel Yoba Mabel Chi Ceballos Liana Dehesa González
- Strategy for the prevention of sexual abuse in adolescence from the discipline of Medical PsychologyAuthors: Liubal Noa Salvazán Felipe Enio Robas Díaz Liuvis del Toro Bergondo Cristina Savón Leyva
- Perceived satisfaction of users in Baracoa health librariesAuthors: Marianela Noa Legrá María Cristina Muguercia Llácer Daliana Durán Morgado María Inés Jiménez de Castro Morgado Yanni Durán Pérez
- System of actions of the Comprehensive General Medicine for community antimicrobial educationAuthors: Aymara Laugart Wilson Yadira Linares Bichí Milaydis Rodríguez Favier Lidavatis Martínez Pomier Briseida Benech Jiménez
- Methodological strategy to improve the formation of the resident in the rehabilitation of Guantanamo´s patients without teethsAuthors: Yamilé Rodríguez Sotomayor Alfredo Pardo Fernández
- Implementation of Spelling Program for Technical and Professional Education in the Faculty of Medical Sciences Guantánamo, course 2016-2017Authors: Violeta Baglán Acosta Islenys Mercedes Ramírez Pelegrín Josefa Sánchez Armand Hilda Lidia Iznaga Brooks
- The functional triad for the achievement of the socio-humanist competence in the professionals of the healthAuthors: Fidel Robinson Jay Danay Ramos Duharte Rolando Durand Rill Nora Luisa Mendoza Fonseca Marisina Masfarroll Rodríguez
- Paracoccidioidomycosis Presentation of a caseAuthors: Yoni Arcides Rodríguez Llanes Juliane Caroline da Silva Pereira Yusel Pérez Nobrega
- Preschool with partial trisomy of chromosome 9. Presentation of a caseAuthors: Harasay Díaz Estévez Aneya Zucel Matos Jarrosay Arelys Mariño Imbernon Aracelis Rubio Tabío
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Presentation of a case with severe drug reactionAuthors: Leyanis Martínez Pérez Leonides Wilson Chibás Yoneidis Imbert Fuentes Sara Jane Simons Preval
- Asphyxia at birth: maternal risk factors and their impact on neonatal mortalityAuthors: María Antonia Rivera Miranda Nadia Teresa Lara Latamblé Tania Baró Bouly
- Theoretical aspects on efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency in health servicesAuthors: Ramón Sergio George Quintero Rafael Laborí Ruiz Luis Alberto Bermúdez Martínez Iván González Rodríguez
- Meckel's diverticulum. Up date informationsAuthors: Roberto Ignacio Pun Jaimes Ernesto Rodríguez Gil
- The pedagogical preparation in the different forms of organization of the teachingAuthors: Abel Bravo Díaz Laidy Rodríguez Barallobre Abrahana del Pilar Cisneros Depestre Odalquis Rodríguez Morales
- Pathogenic mechanisms and clinical manifestations of coccidiaAuthors: Ana Caridad Rodríguez Carballo Carlos Víctor Quintana Milanés Yasnay Rigual Azahares Felaidys Romero Matos
- Historical notes on the development of Nursing work in Guantánamo provinceAuthors: Clara Mireya Jarrosay Speck Lizandra Francis Jarrosay Aracelis Bigñote Rojas Catalina Serrano Durán