Archived Papers for Journal
Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad >>
Vol.3, No.4
Publisher: Antonio Hernández Fernández
Publishing Date: 2017-01-01
- Strategies of Health Professionals of the Municipality of Juiz de Fora regarding the care of Transvestite usersAuthors: Rodrigo Dias Ferreira Ismael de Souza da Silva
- Influences of the internet in a public school in the municipality of Matriz de Camaragibe: The use of computer laboratory in public schoolsAuthors: Ana Lúcia Gomes de Barros Vera Lúcia Gomes de Barros
- Computer lab: A "new" challenge for education at the Dona Sofia de Góes Monteiro Municipal School Matriz in Camaragibe, Alagoas, BrazilAuthors: Valdemir Gomes da Rocha
- Main learning difficulties in ordinary primary education classrooms in the region of Murcia.)Authors: Mª Dolores Armenteros Armenteros
- Neuroscience in educationAuthors: Inmaculada Bullón Gallego
- New teaching method: art and disabilityAuthors: Laura de la Chica Herrador
- Are anti-bullying prevention programs that use audiovisual tools effectiveAuthors: Sara Colmenero Martínez
- Down Syndrome and physical activityAuthors: Antonio Daniel Fernández Morales
- Autism and education: the deprivations of school inclusionAuthors: Thiffanne Pereira dos Santos Viviana Elizabeth Jiménez Chaves
- The bullying and the school violenceAuthors: Elisabet Sánchez Venteo
- Social inclusion and socio-emotional relationship of students in a Curricular Diversification ProgrammeAuthors: Débora Mayoral López
- We know our students with ASD: Asperger SyndromeAuthors: Ana González Sánchez
- Difficulties in reading comprehension in deaf studentsAuthors: Francisco Carrero Barril
- An approach to autistic studentsAuthors: Melany Lendínez Extremera
- Labial and palatal Disglosia in elementary educationAuthors: Fátima Peinado Molina
- Prevention of child maltreatment in schools in schools of difficult performance, the role of the teacherAuthors: Mª Victoria Ropero López
- An approach to ADHDAuthors: Nora Martínez Blanco
- An approach to ADHDAuthors: Nora Martínez Blanco
- The history of specific language disordersAuthors: Pilar Úbeda Martín