Archived Papers for Proceeding
International Scientific and Professional Conference (CIET2014)
Publisher: University of Split
Editors: Bože Plazibat; Silvana Kosanović
ISBN: 978-953-7220-15-0
Date: 2014-06-19 - 2014-06-21
Conference Venue:
Split, Croatia
- Investment Support to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in CroatiaAuthors: Ante Mrcela;Damir Piplica;Josko Krivic
- Financial possibilities within EU funds for local government units in Split-Dalmatian CountyAuthors: Domagoja Buljan Barbaca;Anita Rogosic
- Competitive Environment in the Banking Sectorin the Republic of Moldova: Characteristics and PerspectivesAuthors: Elena Fuior;Ion Maxim;Petru Carare
- Tendencies and Strategic Priorities of Developing Domestic TradeAuthors: Larisa Savca;Viorica Sitnicenco;Angela Panuta;Svetlana Turcanu
- Economic and Social Problems Related To Migration Processes and the Role of the Associative Sector in Addressing Them (The Case of Republic Of Moldova)Authors: Victoria Trofimov;Claudia Melinte
- The Role of Product Design in Creating Loyalty to New TechnologiesAuthors: Danijela Perkusic Malkoc;Katja Rakusic Cvrtak;Anita Krolo Crvelin
- Analysis of Seasonality - Inbound Tourist Demand in CroatiaAuthors: Goran Corluka;Mijana Matosevic Radic
- The Experience and the Opportunity of Implementation of the Research-Based Academic Education on Corporate Social Responsibility of Co-Operative EnterprisesAuthors: Claudia Melinte;Claudia Tcaciuc
- The Role of Clusters in the Development of Small and MediumSized Enterprises in the Republic of CroatiaAuthors: Ivona Jukic;Sladana Brajevic;Antonija Babic
- Development of Domestic Trade in a Globalized EconomyAuthors: Victor Apopii;Larisa Savga
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition for Energy Management SystemsAuthors: Petra Mesaric;Bruno Palasek
- Evaluation of DC-DC Resonant Converters for Solar Hydrogen Production Based on Load Current CharacteristicsAuthors: Sinisa Zorica;Marko Vuksic;Ivan Zulim
- Enhancing Employability From An Academic PerspectiveAuthors: Pilar Alberola;Mercedes Aznar
- Teaching Basic Programming Skills to Undergraduate StudentsAuthors: Divna Krpan;Marko Rosic;Sasa Mladenovic
- Developing a CBI Curriculum: Challenges and OutcomesAuthors: Silvana Kosanovic;Brinton Tench Coxe
- Lexical Collocations as a Building Block in Teaching ESPAuthors: Gorana Duplancic Rogosic
- On Impulse Response of Linear, Continuous-Time, TimeInvariant SystemsAuthors: Branko Saric
- Accessibility Issues Faced By Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the Field of Studying and EducationAuthors: Hrvoje Golcic;Ivana Skelic;Maja Stula
- Framework for Development of Physical Models and SimulationsAuthors: Hrvoje Mladinic;Goran Zaharija;Sasa Mladenovic
- LEaRN ? LEgo Robot and NetlogoAuthors: Goran Zaharija;Ana Grubac;Andrina Granic
- Elementary Students’ Attitude Towards Programming in the Republic of CroatiaAuthors: Monika Mladenovic;Zana Zanko;Marko Rosic
- The Influence of Gender on Academic AchievementAuthors: Toni Milun;Magdalena Radocaj;Petra Hanic
- Importance of Individual Differences in ESP ContextAuthors: Jasmina Rogulja;Ivana Cizmic
- Strategies for Teaching Programming to Meet New Challenges: State of the ArtAuthors: Nikolina Bubica;Ivica Boljat
- Importance of Human Resources Training in an Information AgeAuthors: Serap Firat
- The Satisfaction of Polytechnics' Students with the Higher Education System in CroatiaAuthors: Anica Hunjet;Goran Kozina
- External Audit and Corporate GovernanceAuthors: Ivica Filipovic;Sara Skomrlj
- Impact of Activity Based Cost Method on the Company ProfitabilityAuthors: Petar Pepur;Jelena Muzinic
- The Accounting Differences Between Acquisition And Import Of GoodsAuthors: Petar Pepur;Dijana Perkusic;Hrvoje Condic Begov
- The Profitability of Smaller Banks in the Republic of CroatiaAuthors: Branko Soric
- Available Sources of Financing for Small Companies in Croatia in period 2010-2012Authors: Petra Jakasa
- Billing and Accounting Treatment of Monument AnnuityAuthors: Luka Mladineo;Katarina Jurisic
- Financing of Cities in CroatiaAuthors: Luka Mladineo;Tina Denić
- Blocked Accounts of Citizens ? Corrective Measure for Financial IlliteracyAuthors: Domagoja Buljan Barbaca;Marin Begic
- Estimation of Business Excellence of Listed Companies Operating in the Food and Beverage IndustryAuthors: Dijana Perkusic;Tina Pupacic
- De Minimis Aid in the Development of Small BusinessAuthors: Jelena Vidovic;Zulim Milena
- Support the Development of Small Businesses by Reducing the Cost of LabourAuthors: Jelena Vidovic;Kristina Vrdoljak
- Determinates of Banks' Interest Rates on Long-Term Kuna Credits Indexed to Foreign Currency to Enterprises in CroatiaAuthors: Marko Miletic;Korana Gacina;Laura Marasovic
- Dynamics of Development of Bankassurance ? Comparative Analysis of Croatian and European CountriesAuthors: Tomislava Pavic Kramaric;Tahita Babic
- The Role of Reinsurance on the Croatian Insurance MarketAuthors: Tomislava Pavic Kramaric;Marina Krajcar
- Auditor independence as prerequisite of external audit efficiencyAuthors: Marijana Bartulovic;Ivica Filipovic;Damir Mihanovic
- Analysis of business operations of Croatian large banksAuthors: Marijana Bartulovic;Vjera Radovic
- Diet Problem: Students’ Nutrition at the University of SplitAuthors: Renata Lebo;Boze Plazibat;Lada Reic
- Defining the Potential Yield Direction of the Shares on the Zagreb Stock Exchange Using the Security Market Line ? SMLAuthors: Marko Miletic;Ivana Antunovic
- Potential Movement Determinants of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Debt Index - CROBISAuthors: Marko Miletic;Damir Bakic
- Financial effectiveness of Croatian shipping company Jadrolinija Inc.Authors: Jasenka Bubic;Ivan Peronja;Ana Burazer
- Acquisition of Goods Within EUAuthors: Nenad Vudric
- Investment Framework of SMEs in CroatiaAuthors: Jasenka Bubic;Ana Burazer;Boris Peko
- Financial and operation restructuring in the act of precomposition: possibilities and constrainsAuthors: Jasenka Bubic;Jelena Laca
- Comparative Analysis of Credit Indebtedness of Households in Croatia and RomaniaAuthors: Elena Bejan;Diana Martonca;Domagoja Buljan Barbaca
- Development Perspective of Urban Tourism ? Case BerlinAuthors: Stanko Geic;Marijana Jurisic;Goran Corluka
- Customs procedures with economic impact, foreign productionAuthors: Ivana Plazibat;Ivan Peronja;Tonka Eterovic Matijasic
- Seasonality in Tourism Employment ? Case City SplitAuthors: Goran Ćorluka;Vlatka Karabatic;Stanko Geic
- The Position of Female Entrepreneurs in the Republic of CroatiaAuthors: Sladana Brajevic;Antonija Babic;Jennifer Cvitanovic
- Digital Marketing TrendsAuthors: Dusko Jelaska;Ivan Lovric;Ivona Jukic
- Human Resource Management in SMEsAuthors: Anita Krolo Crvelin;Ivan Peronja
- Analysis of insurance market concetration in CroatiaAuthors: Marina Lolic Cipcic;Anamarija Zecevic
- Crude Oil Prices and Petroleum Products Market in The European UnionAuthors: Marina Lolic Cipcic
- Misuses in pre bankruptcy settlementAuthors: Ivan Akrap;Slavica Capin Jakisic
- Economic Impact and Institutional Position of Tourism in The European UnionAuthors: Mijana Matosevic Radic;Josipa Strunje
- Amended Calculation Procedure for Involute Marine Gears With Parallel AxisAuthors: Nenad Vulic
- Computer Program for Calculating Geometrical Properties of Thin-Walled Cross-SectionAuthors: Boze Plazibat;Ado Matkovic;Zvonimir Stingl
- Maintenance Management of Measuring -Control Equipment Spuported By Information SubsystemAuthors: Natasa Gojgic
- Influence of Cold Deformation on Properties of Alcu Alloy Hardened by DispersionAuthors: Zoran Kurelic;Igor Gabric
- The Conceptual Design of the Solar Photovoltaic Plant in KopilicaAuthors: Andrija Dujic;Zlatko Jankoski
- Solar Climber: A Problem Solving Approach in Power Electronics and Control Systems TeachingAuthors: Marko Vuksic;Tonko Kovacevic;Josko Mise
- Electromechanical System for Determining the Position of the ShipAuthors: Marko Kilic;Miroslav Komlenovic;Marko Vulic
- Role of Product Design and Development in the Process of Reducing CostsAuthors: Ivo Jercic;Alen Kovac
- The Internet of Things Usage in Higher EducationAuthors: Sandra Antunovic Terzic;Tonko Kovacevic;Sinisa Zorica;Ljubomir Malesevic
- Communication Platform: Studies ? Challenge for Business, Business ? Opportunity for StudiesAuthors: Daiva Mikalkeviciene;Audrius Baranauskas
- Popular Song ? Authentic Material in Foreign Language TeachingAuthors: Katarina Krnic
- Conceptual modelling as support for e-learning information system developmentAuthors: Karmen Klarin
- How to Increase Creativity and Motivation Among Professors and Students?Authors: Nada Roguljic;Danijela Perkusic Malkoc;Ivna Juric
- Steps to Becoming a Successful Educational Organisation Innovativeness in Organisational Culture, Innovative Learningand Teaching/Training Methods Through Innovative IndividualsAuthors: Sari Gustafsson
- Different Attitudes Towards Grammar Teaching and TestingAuthors: Marijana Jurisic;Ivana Vodogaz
- Application of Ordinary Differential Equations - Modeling and VisualizationAuthors: Ivo Baras;Renata Kozul Blazevski;Nada Roguljic
- Application for a List of IT Equipment Developed Through Framework UniframeAuthors: Stipe Semenic;Ivica Ruzic;Josip Vrlic
- Uniframe - a Framework for Developing Applications for Higher Education InstitutionsAuthors: Domagoj Gojak;Ivica Ruzic
- Using CodeAnywhere in Teaching Programming CoursesAuthors: Nikola Grgic;Ivica Ruzic;Ivan Burazin
- Using E-learning in Teaching Diving CourseAuthors: Gordan Drasinac;Ivica Ruzic
- The Methodology of Testing Course Materials via ComputerAuthors: Alen Pezelj;Tatjana Listes
- Teaching Business English: Metaphorically SpeakingAuthors: Petra Grgicevic Bakaric;Edita Salov
- Effective Teaching of Mathematics Using Examples From the Proffesional ContextAuthors: Arijana Burazin Misura;Ivo Baras;Renata Kozul Blazevski
- Using Google Docs in Subject Business Information SystemsAuthors: Tatjana Listes;Alen Pezelj
- Applied Physics for the 21 Century Engineers: The Evolution of a Traditional Course Toward a Blended MOOCAuthors: Ivica Luketin;Stjepan Knezevic;Nikola Grgic;Jelena Slugan;Nada Roguljic
- Formative Aspects of Portfolio Assessment in Business English and Their Impact on Students´ Writing MotivationAuthors: Sanja Derado
- Improving the Teaching Process Based on the E-DiaryAuthors: Stjepan;Pereza;Karmen Klarin
- A Decision for Software Implementation Based on Usability EvaluationAuthors: Sinisa Zorica;Tonko Kovacevic;Sandra Antunovic Terzic
- Evaluation of Social Networks in the Development of Cultural TourismAuthors: Mateja Petračić;Daria Jandrečić