Archived Papers for Journal
Vol.17, No.02
Publisher: Université sétif2
Publishing Date: 2020-07-15
- التوظيف الأسري للطفل مفرط النشاط الحركيAuthors: ريمة جاب الله فريدة قماز
- يناميكية تنمية صفة السرعة للرياضيين الناشئين باختلاف مراحل التدريب المرحلة التحضيريةAuthors: سعيد عروسي احسن قاسمي
- التخطيط الحضري ألية لإبراز جمالية المدينة الجزائرية -وسط مدينة سطيف أنموذجا-Authors: بن مهني خالد أمقران عبد الرزاق
- Le Procédé Des Scénographies Multiples Dans La Construction De L’ethos Politique De Barak Hussein ObamaAuthors: Baba Saci-redouane Souad
- Vêtements Et Coiffures Des Femmes Dionysiaques à Travers Des Mosaïques De Cuicul Et SitifisAuthors: Serradj-remili Nedjma
- قراءة في التعديل الدستوري 2016Authors: نصر الدين معمري
- مقدمات عن الحرف وتنظيماتها في مدينة معسكر خلال العصر الوسيطAuthors: العربي لخضر
- The Status of Indigenous Peoples in the context of International Negotiations on Climate ChangeAuthors: سيد علي صلاب جازية لشهب صاش
- The Approach of the European Court of Human Rights in Reconciling the Freedom of Media in Expression and States Exercise of their Right to Protect National Security from the Dangers of TerrorismAuthors: صلاح الدين بوجلال
- The level of the cognitive style (Independence / dependance) of the first year learners. In the light of the gender and academic specialty variablesAuthors: بلدية بن زطة
- The subject of women in the electronic press -The Newspaper El Bassair in Model-Analytical study of the page "The world of the family"Authors: زكية منزل غرابة
- The contact group during crises between embodying tasks and facing challenges and difficultiesAuthors: نادية عياري أمال نواري
- The role of elected officials in the municipal financial decision making process; between the legal provision and the composition of communal people’s assemblies in AlgeriaAuthors: جلول بن سديرة
- State Support for the Finances of Local AuthoritiesAuthors: علي بوخالفة باديس
- The definition of poetry between Aristotle and AverroesAuthors: رياض بن يوسف
- Amnesty Measures for Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Applied to internal armed conflicts: Between the Justifications of National Reconciliation and the Requirements of the Enforcement of JusticeAuthors: شافية بوغابة
- Reality and fantasy interaction in the novel " Valley of darkness" by Abdelmalek MortadhAuthors: ربيحة بزان
- The impact of the organizational climate on the job expatriation in the Algerian industrial establishment- A field study at the African Glass Company in Taher, Jijel State-Authors: بوجمعة كوسة حنان بوشلاغم
- The legal system for the contract to use the trademark in the legislation of Algeria and the TRIPS AgreementAuthors: سفيان رمازنية
- Pilgrimage Standards in Interpreting the 'Spirit of Meaning' for Alusi ReligionAuthors: نوال نمّــيـر
- Media treatment of economic issues via television. An analytical study of the program network of the third Algerian channelAuthors: سميرة كتفي نصر الدين غراف
- Media Coverage of Climate Change through Environmental Blogs - Blog of the World Organization for the Protection of the Environment (OMPE) as a Model: Analytical StudyAuthors: سوسن سكي
- Civil society and the bet of reinforcing participatory democracy: A comparative study between Algeria and MoroccoAuthors: بلال موزاي
- Liberalism between individual interest and collective values from Montesquieu perspective, as Leo Strauss sees itAuthors: عبد الفراج نصر الله
- Fundamental rules and their impact on the weightings of the scholar Khalil through his book clarificationAuthors: احسن كافي
- Supersegmental phonemes and their grammatical and semantic functions at Kamal BishrAuthors: أنور طراد
- Geopolitical fluctuations in the Arab region and the Sahel and its implications for Algerian national securityAuthors: محمد رزيق
- Commitment to professional ethical standards in the Algerian online press - an analytical study of Echorouk OnlineAuthors: يعقوب مليزي بيران بن شاعة
- Local Elections Litigation in the Light of Organic Law No.16-10-Analytical Study -Authors: خالد بوكوبة نورة موسى
- Self-sufficiency in the narrative process between concept and foundationAuthors: أوريدة عبود
- Social responsibility in the economic institution- A Field study in the service institution ooredoo setif-Authors: سامية عواج كنزة حامدي